Art Of Style Club

Choose Better Fitting Clothes with Ease – Tips to Look Well Dressed!

Putting on an expensive shirt, wearing fashionable shoes, or sporting the latest trends isn’t what is going to draw all the attention nor make you look well dressed. You can look great in simple clothes if you keep just one thing in mind- wear clothes that fit well.

Of course, there are a dozen body types and most brands don’t make clothes that can fit everyone well. But whether you’re lean, fat, tall, or short, you have to ensure that the clothes you buy fit you well. If you can’t find ready-made clothes that fit you, you can always get them altered!

Here are some tips that will help you choose better fitting clothes and get that well dressed look.


A shirt covers almost half of your body and is the first item of clothing that people will notice due to its central position and proximity to your face. Needless to say, it has to fit well!

Button-up shirts- whether they are casual or dress shirts, can speak volumes about your sense of style. But only if you’re wearing the right fit.


The collar of the shirt should be neither too tight nor too loose, irrespective of whether or not you wear a tie. A perfect collar when buttoned, touches the skin around your neck while also allowing enough room for ventilation. If the collar rests off the body and doesn’t touch the neck, it’s too loose.

To find the perfect fit, button the collar and try to slip your index and middle fingers into it. They should go in easily; if not, the collar is too tight, and if you can fit more fingers, the collar is loose. Don’t forget to also choose the right collar for your face shape as well.


The shoulder seam should rest over the corner of your shoulder bone. Mass produced shirts often have the shoulder seams sliding onto the arm. But as clothes produced by different plants fit differently, do try out several brands to find one that makes the perfect shirts that make you look well dressed.


Armholes that are too wide will cause your shirt to billow out and armholes that are too narrow will restrict movement. Also ensure that the armholes aren’t placed too low. Armholes that are too low will cause your perfectly tucked in shirt to come un-tucked when you raise your arms sideways.


You don’t want a sleeve so tight that it shows details of your biceps, but you also don’t want the sleeve to billow. The cuffs should not extend more than an inch beyond the wrist. Also, if you bend your arm, the cuff shouldn’t move up more than an inch. Ensure cuffs fit firmly and don’t slip past your palm. (Read how to roll up your sleeves)

Chest and Torso

The shirt shouldn’t restrict movement around the chest and torso. Pull the shirt away from your body lightly; you should have just about 3-4 inches of space.


The length of the shirt should be adequate so that it doesn’t come un-tucked when bending or stretching. A shirt with the tails or hemline ending just below the back pockets of your well-fitted pants should be perfect to add to your well dressed look.

Jackets and Coats

Suit jackets or blazers need to fit well too. Wearing a jacket that doesn’t suit your body shape can cause it to flare out at the bottom around your hips. A jacket that is too tight can also make an unsightly ‘X’ shape when buttoned and a divot near the shoulders if the sleeves aren’t perfect.

Ensure that the shoulder seams lie on the edge of the shoulder bone and that the armholes are high. The jacket should cover your bottoms and the sleeves should be long enough to cover your wrist when your arms are at your side.

If you’re a fan of layering clothes on, you’ll probably need to buy a larger-sized coat. As with shirts and jackets, shoulder seams should rest perfectly on your shoulders but considering what you’re wearing underneath. Sleeves should be at least an inch longer than your shirt or jacket sleeves.

You should be able to move freely but that doesn’t mean you choose a coat that is too roomy; it should accentuate the shape of your body. (See the infographic to the right for more tips on Suiting Up)


Don’t stick to wearing a single type of pants; invest in good quality trousers and jeans to look hip and fashionable. Don’t worry if you have limited wardrobe space; you only need to invest in some good multi-pant hangers like the ones from OnlyHangers.

Just remember, whether you like chinos, jeans, or fitted trousers, make sure you don’t wear them too low. You also shouldn’t need a belt to keep them on your hips! Tying a belt too tight will cause the pant fabric to gather at the front and this won’t help you look dashing.

Chinos and jeans can be worn lower than dress trousers or suit pants. Also keep in mind that the length of the leg should be such that your socks don’t show. Without shoes on, the hem of the legs should barely touch the floor.

If you have a belly or large thighs, you don’t have to buy loose-fitting pants. Go for tapered pants that will help you look well-dressed. Even when it comes to jeans, prefer slim-fit ones than boot cut or bell bottoms.

Further, jeans that give three or more inches when pulled lightly around the bottom are a size too large for you.


Clothes do not always make a man, but well-fitting clothes definitely work like a charm whether you have a meeting to attend or a date to impress. With tips from here, you’re sure to be able to pick clothes that fit you better.