Art Of Style Club

10 Ways To Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

Win Back Your Ex-Girlfriend With These Tips

How many of you guys have recently gone through a breakup? How many are having second thoughts? How many of you are looking to get your ex-girlfriend back for good this time?

Guys, you better listen very carefully. I’ve seen friends break up with their girlfriends and observed their attempts at winning them back. Your ex is not going to buy the fancy song and dance. You are not going to win her back by trying to get her into bed, no matter how good the sex is. You have to genuinely want to get her back. You have to show her that you were taking her for granted before and are sincere in your efforts to treat her better.

Here are 10 ways to get her back and keep her this time around.

1. Send Your Ex-Girlfriend An SMS

You can try to get your girlfriend back by sending a text. Nothing too complicated. Create a simple text that does not insinuate you want a booty call. This is the first step you take to get your ex back. She will respond one of two ways. She will either be open to the idea or repulsed. Do not do text her 24/7. Let her come to you this time around.

2. Take It Slow With Your Ex

Get your ex back by taking it slow. This means no sex. Sex is at the forefront of practically every straight guy’s mind. so I feel I need to say it a few times. You want your ex back, you will have to go at her pace. Be respectful of her boundaries.

3. Call Her From Time To Time

Call her from time to time. Do not be pushy about this or start hounding her every few hours. Start off slow. Call her like you did when you first got together. You are starting all over again. This time you will have to make it count.

4. Tell Your Ex You Miss Her

Tell her you miss her. Keep the conversation light in the beginning. You do not have to rehash everything that went wrong. She already knows. This is why you two broke up in the first place. Did you do something wrong that you have yet to apologize for? Apologize and then move on. Do not pressure her into accepting the apology either. It is her choice whether she accepts your apology or not.

5. Do The Little Things

Focus on doing the little things. The little things will make all the difference.

6. Focus On Your Past Positives

Talk about the good times and what brought you two together. Do not keep rehashing the bad stuff. Your inability to let go of certain things may be what caused the two of you to break up in the first place.

7. Keep Friends Around Initially

Go out with friends in the beginning. Do not make it an intimate thing right away. This will cause her to shut down on you. You have to take sex off the table until the time when you are both ready. No mixed signals on this.

8. Don’t Bring Up Your Life After The Breakup

Do not compare and contrast your lives after the breakup. Talking about all the girls and bad sex you have been having will add insult to injury.

9. Don’t Beg Your Ex-Girlfriend

Do not beg her to come back. This is one way to get her to stay away from you for good. Show her your confidence and take it from there.

10. Enjoy The Romance

Have some fun with the romance. This may have been part of your problem, to begin with. As long as she knows you are giving it your all, the rest will happen naturally.

At the end of the day, if you think your ex-girlfriend is the woman for you, you have to make sure she knows that. And it doesn’t end once you are back together again, but a conscientious effort to nurture the relationship and keep it going.

Good luck!