Art Of Style Club

Maximizing Your Closet Space

Many men find it difficult to maximize a small closet space. Whether you are sharing the closet with a woman who may take more than her fair share of space or you are a fashion lover who is outgrowing your current closet organization, these simple tips will help you maximize your closet space and create a closet that makes it easy to find the perfect outfit.

As with any organization project, your first step should be to remove any clothing pieces that you no longer wear. One good rule of thumb is, if you have not worn it in more than 3 years, it’s time to get rid of it. You can donate your old business suits. Some items may be too valuable to part with, but things you don’t wear on a daily basis should be stored outside of your closet. Try an under the bed storage container for the items you don’t need to access frequently.

Next, group your clothing into like items. Put all of your ties together, all of your jeans together, all of your tees, and so on. This will help you see visually how much room you will need for each category. You may need to come up with some creative solutions to fit everything inside of your closet space. Install a tension rod to create a two level hanging area. Organize the rods by type of clothing. Group all of the jackets on one rod and fold your sweaters and knitted items to prevent stretching. When you group by like items, you will find your clothing fits together nicely and you are able to fit significantly more in each compartment. Using a classic fold like the ‘Savile Row Fold’ will ensure that your pants stay securely on the hanger and keep their ironed in pleats.


Spending the extra few dollars for well made and padded hangers is a good investment. These will protect your clothing from deforming and fit together in a clean line. Never leave your dry cleaning on wire hangers. Protect your most prized clothing with protective bags. Your suits should be kept in a dust protector so you can put your best foot forward at your next meeting. Keep leather items in their dust bags to protect them from light damage. Treat your leather twice a year with leather conditioner. Caring for your possessions is important to maximizing your space and staying aware of pieces that may no longer be necessary to your lifestyle.


Smaller items like baseball hats create a special challenge for organizers. Most men simply throw their valuable hats on top of one another which leaves them vulnerable to damage and losing shape. You can re-purpose a shoe organizer to hold your ball caps and create an impressive display.


Don’t make the mistake of thinking accessories are just for women. More and more men find themselves with a growing collection of jewelry, belts and ties. Organizing them can be especially tricky. A tie rack can be a great storage solution for ties. If you have drawers in your closet, install a gridded divider for a custom look. You can use adjustable dividers to create compartments just the right size for your ties. Visitors will be impressed by your wardrobe and you will be able to match the perfect tie to your suit without much thought each morning.


If you have extra drawer space, follow this expert tutorial to create a custom watch and accessory drawer.

Organizing your closet doesn’t have to be annoying. Once you’ve maximized the space, you’ll be able to see your clothing items easier. You’ll notice yourself dressing better and more efficiently, leaving you more time to enjoy your morning coffee and the sports section.


Image credits: Bespoke Unit